Our program


Organisational structure in working with roles

Organizations prefer working with roles rather than functions. Rolling makes operations more flexible and gives employees much more options to include variation in their own work. Classic organization structures do not provide a workable answer to this. This also changes the required leadership style. In this training you will learn to draw up an organizational structure for your organization, in a practical way based on Holacracy and Sociocracy and many other insights.
You will return to your organisation with an organisational structure that will serve ans as a starting point for an internal discussion with all parties concerned.

Choose in house or in open offer.

Teammanager with a remote team

Corona has drastically changed the way we work. Tele working is now well-established. For a team manager, this sets a new challenge to let the team function remotely.
You can also apply the insights you gain during this training in working with teams that work internationally or teams that work in a matrixstructure.
You will go home with a lot of knowledge an personal insights in adapting the right management style for your team.

Choose in house or in open offer.

Change management

This four day training academy has already successfully brought forth more than 110 people. Need we say more?
This training ensures that:
  • You can give precise shape to your own change project
  • You will know how the dynamics of change
  • You have a specific approach to work on your change project
  • You have viable tools to deal with possible resistance
  • You have a clear view on the required conditions for a change project to be successful
  • You can analyze your own organization into the stabilizing factors that are necessary to enable continuous change
  • You can let your own organizational values play an important role during and after the change
  • You can integrate your own communication plan into your project plan
  • You understand how a stakeholder analysis works
  • You master the approach to get people into change
  • You can start a blueprint for change approach, specific to your own organization
  • You can prepare your own organization for changes that must be implemented quickly
  • You have all ingredients to keep as many employees as possible motivated after implementing a change
The training is a mix of theory, cases of the trainer and the case of the own organization