Cut the crap.

Dealing with human complexity.Dealing with human complexity.

C the C is also See the Sea: dreaming, musing into on the future, looking at the reality from different angles, surfing the waves. C the C… is daring to be himself in an authentic way.

— Video case 30sec.
Coach the Change
Is your company going through change? Are you looking for an external consultant?
Coach the Club
Do you want to strengthen your team so they achieve a higher level of performing?
Cut the crap
Kristien Manteleers is a highly experienced and educated consultant.
What do others have to say about our services?

Your exciting journey
starts by contacting C the C

Kristien Manteleers started up C the C after a 20 years of experience as an external consultant and as an internal manager/consultant. She appeals to her network of independent consultants to meet with all customer’s requirements. Kristien’s style is no-nonsense. Her strength is that she dares to ask the question.

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Kristien Manteleers,
Specialized in Dealing with human complexity

We’re constantly improving
our skills to fulfill projects of any level

People Management
Change Management
HR Consultancy
* Nulla viverra, ex eu vestibulum venenatis, metus lorem malesuada.
Training in house and in open offer

Team Consultancy & Academy

Is your company going through change? Are you looking for an external consultant? Do you want to strengthen your team so they achieve a higher level of performing? Our trainers have a lot of experience in these fields and excel in personal training.

Visit our Corona proof training center.

We offer short training courses that are up to date and linked to our expertise of change management and working with teams. Training groups are never larger than 6 people to ensure interactivity and personal approachds.


Coach the club

Is your company going through change? Are you looking for an external consultant? Do you want to strengthen your team so they achieve a higher level of performing? Our trainers have a lot of experience in these fields and excel in personal training.

Teams in trouble
Does your team has problems? Up till now, has the current approach proven unsuccessful?
High Performance teams
Do you want to strengthen your team so they achieve a higher level of performing?
Management Consultant

Kristien Manteleers

Kristien Manteleers is a highly experienced and educated consultant. Her style is no-nonsense with respect for people. Her strength is that she dares to ask the question or to give feedback if necessary.

Kristien exceeds customers needs, using her positive energy and approach. She relies on her network of independent consultants to meet with all customer’s requirements.

Our program

What do we have to offer?

Organizational structure in working with roles
Rolling makes operations more flexible
Teammanager with a remote team
Corona has drastically changed the way we work
Change management
Successfully brought forth more than 110 people
What do others have to say about us?

Satisfied customers

To work with Kristien means having a real dialogue. Kristien is curious, passionate and has a true eye for people. During the time we worked together she has changed the way leaders look at their teams, the company and more importantly themselves. Kristien combines a strong vision with flexibility – which in our case lead to the development and delivery of great change and leadership programs. The most important aspect have worked with Kristien is that she gives 100% and she will invite you to do the same. She’s inspirational to work with and delivers concrete results.
Toon van de Veer
Business Unit President AB Inbev Japan, Hong Kong, Macau
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Detailed case analysis
helps us to provide best solutions

Maecenas ac orci consectetur, malesuada risus sed, commodo nunc. In nec elementum augue. Quisque ac nulla volutpat, congue nunc nec, posuere arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Personal approach to
every client is vital

Nullam faucibus, mauris a tempus interdum, urna massa luctus ex, laoreet tristique nunc dui in massa. Curabitur tortor sapien, iaculis ac pulvinar gravida, viverra sed lorem. Dignissim euismod nunc sed consequat. Proin bibendum blandit finibus.